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United Gas & Power (UGP) Business Energy: Prices, Tariffs & Reviews

United Gas & Power (UGP) is an independent business energy supplier that offers selected electricity and gas tariffs with no standing charges. You can learn more about their tariffs and company below along with customer reviews.

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A Guide To United Gas & Power

United Gas & Power are based in Leeds and offers a range of business energy services from electricity and gas supply to free smart meter installation. They have a few unique offerings for business that set them apart. Some of the reasons they cite for switching to them include:

  • Excellent customer service
  • Products that are suitable for all businesses, no matter how big or small
  • Several Smart Metering options
  • Highly competitive pricing
  • Accurate, easy-to-understand billing with no surprises
  • No standing charges on some selected tariffs
  • Discounts on dual fuel packages

United Gas & Power Business Energy Prices & Tariffs

UGP Business Electricity Tariffs

  • Free Smart Meter Installation
  • A cheap electricity supply that suits your business needs
  • Dedicated customer support
  • A range of electricity supply products
  • Some tariffs with no standing charge

UGP Business Gas Tariffs

  • Fixed gas deals of 1, 2, and 3-year contracts
  • Simple monthly invoices
  • Pass savings from wholesale gas market changes to you (depending on tariff).
  • UK-based customer service team

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United Gas & Power Reviews

Positive"I can only thank you wholeheartedly. As you know the NCO is a charity and we have a hand-to-mouth financial system. To be able to reduce our costs so dramatically in this area has really helped, especially in these times! Although our old supplier seemed to find new hoops for us to jump through, you managed to guide us through the process and bring us to a very satisfactory conclusion." Customer testimonial from the National Children's Orchestra"Brilliant company. Excellent service. Would highly recommend them" - Dave via UGP Facebook page" Easy Process to switch my business, huge saving made which is important to my business." - Paul & David via Trustpilot

Negative"Abysmal, I am appalled at the level of customer of customer service by UGP" - Richard via Trustpilot

British Business Energy Business Energy Website Score:

  1. Clear contact information (including phone number) on the website? Yes
  2. Case studies and/or reviews on the website? Yes, many positive testimonials
  3. Straightforward to get quotes Yes
  4. Does the website contain useful information about business energy? Some, outline their services, but details are quite general and non-specific.
  5. Online account management? No, but can submit meter readings online.

Based on the above United Gas & Power gets a website score of 4/5. - Posted on January 8th, 2018


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