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Business Energy Procurement

In today’s fast-moving business world, getting energy right is key for lasting success. Our team at British Business Energy know that navigating gas and electricity markets well keeps them competitive and ensures long-term success.

What Is Business Energy Procurement?

Energy procurement is getting the energy a business needs. It’s about finding the right amount of energy at the best price. This helps the business run smoothly and saves money. It’s like shopping for energy to keep everything working well.

Clean energy wind farm can be used for business energy procurement benefits.

Business Energy Procurement Top Tips

  1. Smart Energy Buying: To buy energy smartly, look at trends, negotiate well, and use energy efficiently.
  2. Choose Clean Energy: Picking solar, wind and other clean sources is good for the environment and saves money.
  3. Use Tech To Save Energy: Use smart tech to make decisions based on data, save energy, and cut costs.
  4. Check How You Use Energy: Regularly check how you use energy to find areas to improve and use it better.
  5. Reduce Risks: Plan if things go wrong and use different energy sources to manage risks.
  6. Negotiate Good Deals: Know the market, buy in bulk, and negotiate well for better contract terms.

Businesses can succeed in the changing energy world by being smart, using clean energy, and making tech and data work for them. By staying informed, choosing clean options, and using data your company can navigate energy markets well, helping both business and the environment.

Choose the best contract type for your business in energy procurement.

What Types Of Business Energy Procurement Options Are Available?

Businesses can choose how they get energy:

  1. Fixed-Rate: Pay the same price, stable but no savings if prices drop.
  2. Variable-Rate: Prices change, flexible but can go up or down.
  3. Green Energy: Use solar or wind power for sustainability.
  4. Flexible Contracts: Mix fixed and variable for balance. You could take advantage of prices if they drop.
  5. Bulk Buying: Buy a lot for discounts and better rates. This is ideal if you’re a commercial business.

Choosing which type of contract is best for you depends on goals, risk, and wanting to be sustainable.

What Types Of Business Energy Procurement Does British Business Energy Offer?


Choose fixed energy for a set price and total certainty in your budget for up to 5 years. No surprises, stable payments, and less complexity.


  • Easier budgeting with regular fixed payments.
  • No worries about rising costs.
  • Suppliers take on long-term risk.


  • Suppliers might increase costs to counter risk.
  • No chance to benefit from price drops during the contract.

Passthrough Energy

With passthrough energy, wholesale charges are fixed, but other costs may change. This can be good if you can handle uncertainty and want potential savings.


  • You benefit if prices fall.
  • Often a lower price than fixed energy.
  • Advantageous if costs decrease in the future.
  • Great for managing usage patterns.


  • Uncertain if you’re on a tight budget.
  • Other costs can go up and down.
  • More complex than fixed energy.

Flexible Procurement

Flexible procurement allows you to adapt to the changing energy market. British Business Energy helps you navigate ups and downs, providing control and cost reduction.


  • You could take advantage of market price changes.
  • Spread the risk over multiple points.
  • Full control over energy purchasing.
  • Support from our team of experienced professionals.


  • Requires good knowledge of the energy market.
  • Needs larger volumes for wholesale access.
  • Some risk if not managed properly.

Public Procurement

Government departments buy goods and services from the private sector. British Business Energy helps with compliance, tenders, and sustainable energy initiatives.

How do we assist?

  • We comply with EU/ Public Sector rules.
  • We set and understand energy objectives.
  • We give market advice and competitive tendering.
  • We are transparent with supplier management.
  • Our specialist team have public sector experience and can provide support.

Do All Businesses Need An Energy Procurement Plan?

Getting energy right for your business is important. Choosing the best way to buy energy helps control costs and keeps things running smoothly. Whether you go for fixed, passthrough, flexible procurement, or public sector options, each has its advantage.

Fixed gives you stability, passthrough can save money if prices drop, flexible lets you adapt to market changes, and public procurement ensures compliance and support. Picking what suits your business best means more control, better budgets, and a smoother operation.

Business Energy Procurement FAQs

  • What Is Fixed-Rate Energy Procurement?

    A fixed-rate means you pay the same price for energy during your contract, offering stability in your budget.

  • How Can My Business Benefit From Renewable Energy Procurement?

    Switching to renewable sources like solar or wind supports the environment and can lead to potential cost savings.

  • Are There Risks With Variable-Rate Energy Contracts?

    Yes, variable-rate contracts can be risky as the cost fluctuates with market changes, potentially increasing your expenses.

  • What Are The Advantages Of Flexible Energy Procurement?

    Flexible procurement allows businesses to adapt to market shifts, providing more control and the potential to capitalise on favourable trends.

  • How Can I Ensure Compliance With Energy Procurement Regulations?

    Staying informed about energy regulations, working with experienced professionals, and following a transparent procurement princess ensures compliance and minimises risks.