Business Energy With No Standing Charges Tariffs: A Complete Guide

In this guide, we explain what standing charges are, the pros and cons of a no-standing charge tariff, and a list of suppliers with the lowest available standing charges.

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Finding an energy supplier for your business with no standing charges tariffs? Unfortunately, there are currently zero options available on the UK market, but there are several suppliers who offer exceptionally low standing charges. By switching through British Business Energy, you can find great ways to save on your monthly business energy bills, starting with finding a low-standing charge tariff that suits you. 

When looking at an energy price comparison, ensure you check the kWh unit rate alongside the standing charges; so you can be certain you are going to be paying the lowest amount possible for your monthly bill.

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What Is A Standing Charge? 

A standing charge is a fixed daily amount you are required to pay no matter how much energy you use. This is added automatically to your energy bill and is essentially the fee you pay for your business electricity or business gas to be supplied to your property.

Energy suppliers use the standing charge to cover the costs of keeping your property connected to the main supply and carrying out meter readings.

What Is A No Standing Charge Tariff? 

As the name suggests, a no-standing charge tariff removes the daily fee charged by your supplier. In some cases, the charge will be set to zero on your bill (this may be referred to as a zero-standing charge tariff).

This means that you will only be required to pay for the gas and electricity you use. If you were to consume no gas or electricity, you would have no charges for that period.

Business energy no standing charge tariffs are now back on the market. See live prices here.

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What Are The Pros Of A Zero Standing Charge Tariff?

While most businesses in the UK operate year-round, and hence use energy year-round, not all do. Many seasonal businesses such as campsites, holiday resorts, ice cream parlours, etc. may only operate for part of the year and could be left out of pocket if they are on a standing charge tariff.

If you own a seasonal business, you’d end up still paying energy bills even when you’re not using any energy! Choosing your business energy tariff usually comes down to your circumstances and how your business operates.

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What Are The Cons Of A Zero Standing Charge Tariff?

Many business energy suppliers rely heavily on standing charge tariffs for cashflow predictability. As a result, suppliers will often increase your gas and electricity unit rate for no standing charge tariffs. So, whilst you save money when your business is not open, you could be spending more when it is.

How Much Are Standing Charges For Business Energy Customers?

Typical daily standing charges for business electricity range from 15p to 160p per day and for business gas 25p to 130p per day.

The energy companies like a standing charge tariff because it gives them a degree of revenue predictability. They know no matter what they will be getting at least some money from you. This helps them pay for investment in the UK’s energy infrastructure.


List of Business Energy Standing Charges

Business Electricity Standing Charges

Electricity Supplier 

Daily Standing Charge

Standing Charge Annual Price
British Gas 62p £226.30
valda logo 109p £397.85
scottish power logo 34.37p £125.45
edf 75p £273.75
smartest energy 55.92p £204.11
british gas lite logo 42p £153.30

Data correct as of December 2024 based on 25,000kWh

Business Gas Standing Charges

 Gas Supplier Daily Standing Charge Standing Charge Annual Price 
british gas lite logo 42.3p £154.40
scottish power logo 35.11p £128.15
EDF 45p £164.25
Smartest Energy 62.3p £227.40
valda logo 132.4p £483.26

Data correct as of December 2024 based on 25,000kWh

Compare No Standing Charge Tariffs With British Business Energy

When thinking of switching business energy, it’s vital to compare the full cost of any energy tariff. This is particularly important when comparing no-standing charge tariffs.

With British Business Energy, you can compare a range of no-standing charges and standard tariffs to make sure you’re finding the cheapest business energy deals possible.

All you have to do is simply visit our energy comparison tool and we'll show you the latest deals available.

No Standing Charge Tariff FAQs

  • Where can I find my standing charges on my energy bill?

    Your standing charge will normally be marked as units of daily usage on your energy bill. As your standing charges should remain the same throughout your usage, you can use this to calculate how much they will add to your energy bills over the year.

  • Which suppliers offer no standing charge tariffs?

    Unfortunately, there are currently zero options available on the UK markets, but there are several suppliers who offer exceptionally low standing charges.

    By switching through British Business Energy, you can find great ways to save on your monthly business energy bills, starting with finding a low-standing charge tariff that suits you. 

  • Are domestic no standing charge tariffs available?

    No standing charge tariffs are offered to both business and domestic customers. The pros and cons remain much the same as most suppliers will increase unit rates on no standing charge tariffs.

  • How easy is it to switch to a no standing charge tariff?

    As previously mentioned, no-standing tariffs are very rare in comparison to standing charge tariffs and wouldn't show up when comparing an energy price comparison.

    There are many business energy suppliers that provide exceptionally low standing charges, with equally low kWh rates. When you switch through British Business Energy, we can help to save you money on your monthly energy bills.

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