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Ovo Business Energy: Prices, Tariffs & Reviews

OVO Energy is one of the largest independent energy suppliers in the UK. With more than a million customers, they are one of the most used suppliers out of the so-called ‘Big Six’. They focus on friendly service and fair prices, alongside a commitment to renewable electricity and energy-saving products.

OVO Energy was founded in 2009, and in 2020 bought out by SSE – becoming, in essence, a member of the ‘Big Six’ themselves.

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A Guide to OVO Business Energy

OVO are one of the more recent energy companies in the UK, launched in 2009 – however, they have had a meteoric rise in recent years, implementing their sustainability plan in 2019. They have risen due to their promise to provide cheaper, greener energy, alongside high-quality customer service.

Based in Bristol, Ovo Energy is British-owned and part of Ovo Group, a subsidiary of Imagination Industries Ltd. The electricity they supply comes from a few sources across the UK, including windfarms in Gloucestershire and North Wales, and the burning of landfill gas. Their gas is sourced from the national grid.

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OVO Business Energy Reviews

Ovo Energy has an overall rating of 4.2 out of 5 stars on Trustpilot, based on around 113,000 reviews. 69% of those are 5-star reviews, while the other four ratings are split between 2% and 14%, averaging a great overall experience. Most comments from customers state how they received excellent customer service after experiencing issues and how they resolved any problems over the phone. This has improved dramatically since 2022 when they were ranked second in customer service by Citizens Advice.

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OVO Business Energy FAQs


  • Who Owns OVO Energy?

    OVO Energy was founded by Stephen Fitzpatrick in 2009. It is independently owned, and privately backed. 20% of OVO has been owned by the Mitsubishi Corporation, since 2019.

    OVO owns both Spark Energy and its subsidiary Home Telecom Limited, as well as SSE plc.

  • Where Is the Ovo Energy Head Office?

    As a large company, there are several different ways to get in contact with OVO. When you switch with BBE, you don’t need to worry about how to get in contact with your energy supplier – we do that for you.

    To contact OVO by phone, you can call either: 0330 303 5063, or 01179 303 100.

    You can write to OVO at:  1 Rivergate Temple Quay Bristol, BS1 6ED

    You can email OVO at: [email protected], or talk to them on their live chat service.

  • What Is OVO Energy's Fuel Mix?

    OVO advertise that 100% of their energy on every tariff is from renewable sources or carbon offsetting. OVO also supports several green energy schemes, such as electric vehicle charging and tree planting schemes.

    OVO’s fuel mix is as follows:

    Npower’s fuel comes from a mixture of sources, some green, some not.

    • Coal – 3.9%
    • Natural gas – 39.40%
    • Nuclear – 16.60%
    • Renewable – 37.90%
    • Other sources – 2.20%
    • CO2 g/kWh – 198
    • Radioactive g/kWh – 0.0012
  • What awards have OVO Energy won?

    2020 Uswitch Awards Wins

    • Best Account Management
    • Best Smart Meter Experience
    • Best Billing Services
    • Best Rewards
  • What Is OVO Energy's Cancellation Policy?

    OVO does have exit fees on some of its products. If you leave within your cooling off period, you don’t need to pay a fee. Nor do you need to pay if you are on a variable rate plan, or if you are upgrading to a different OVO plan.

    You do need to pay a fee if you leave one of the fixed rate plans.

    Leaving OVO doesn’t need a meter reading – your new energy supplier will sort this out for you.

  • How Are Ovo Energy’s Prices Regulated?

    The energy regulator, Ofgem, sets a maximum amount that energy companies can charge for their electricity and gas. This is called the price cap. Most energy companies base their price changes around this price cap. In 2021, the price cap was raised by 9%. As a result, most companies including OVO raised their prices by around 9%.

  • What Are Ovo Energy’s Region Price Variations?

    There are regional variations in the amounts people pay per KHW for their electricity and gas. This is because different regions produce different amounts of energy. Regions that produce more energy get lower prices, and regions that produce less energy get higher prices.

OVO Business Energy Prices & Tariffs

OVO offer a range of variables for their business tariffs. When you sign up to OVO Energy, you can choose between several different options, such as:

  • Fix prices for 12 or 24 months
  • Paperless billing and monthly Direct Debits
  • 7-day cool-off period and no auto-rollovers

Ovo offers support for a range of meters. This includes both traditional and smart meters. It also includes multi-site and multi-rate meters.

Switching to OVO with British Business Energy is easy. When you get in touch with us, we find out what you need your energy supplier to do. Then, we do all the hard parts, so you can focus on running your business.

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